Our High Income portfolios are best suited for long-term focused income-oriented investors, with at least a 3-5 year investing time horizon, and who are not concerned with short-term volatility in the markets.
The primary goal of these portfolios is to provide our clients with relatively high amounts of tax efficient and steady monthly income, with a secondary goal of providing some capital growth, in order that our clients can maintain their lifestyle over time.
These portfolios are managed with the intent of removing the vagaries of market volatility from impacting our clients’ day-to-day lives, by providing them with a stable stream of income from actual cash-flow generated, which can withstand both strong and weak markets.
These portfolios invest in individual shares (stock) of mid and large cap (sized) individual companies, diversified across various industries, as well as bonds or other fixed income instruments, in accordance with an individual clients’ comfort level with risk.
Investors should note that as the primary goal is to provide relatively high amounts of income, fixed income holdings will rarely include GICs, CDs, or government issued bonds, but rather will include investment grade as well as high-yield alternative fixed income instruments, both of which fluctuate in value. No leverage is employed to provide either income or returns.